Choosing my project idea…

As stated in my previous blog, I came up with two ideas, either program a basic survival zombie shooter or create a pixel art level and various other assets in Photoshop. Since I’m not particularly good at programming using C# and I’ve focused the last two projects on Photoshop, I think it’d be wise to … More Choosing my project idea…

Unit 1: Exploring and Researching ‘Rebirth’…

In this post I created a mood board and mindmap exploring the various ideas and themes behind the project topic of ‘Rebirth’… What Rebirth could mean? Reincarnation – Various religions, predominantly Eastern religions, believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation is considered to be the rebirth of a soul in another body, essentially leading to immortality. This leads … More Unit 1: Exploring and Researching ‘Rebirth’…